You can use portable electronic devices on board to play games, read e-books, watch movies, listen to your favourite music and even write offline messages. You can use the majority of devices during all parts (take-off, the flight and landing) of the journey. We do ask that you remove headphones during the safety briefing.
All devices must be in “flight safe” mode for taxi, take-off, inflight and landing and held securely in your hand or in your pocket. During the taxi-in to the arrival gate the Cabin Crew will let you know when you can make telephone calls or send text messages.
Some devices may be used for boarding and inflight (provided they are in “flight safe” mode), but not during taxi, take-off and landing - at which point they must be safely stowed away in the overhead locker. These are:
- Laptops
- Ultra books
- Notebooks
- DVD players
- Large electronic games
- Large Music players
- All Bluetooth accessories (wireless keyboard, headphones etc.)
Devices without a “flight safe” mode will need to be turned off for the duration of the flight.
There may be times when the pilot or Cabin Crew may ask for all electronic devices to be switched off so please follow their instructions.
There’s a handy guide in our Traveller magazine, or any member of crew will be happy to help.