Genewa do Amsterdam
Flight number
16:25 nie 5 sty
Wystartował 17:40
Wylądował 19:21
Przykro nam z powodu opóźnienia lotu. Obserwuj ekrany na lotnisku i śledź najświeższe informacje, sprawdzając Flight Tracker.
Lot obsługiwany przez easyJet Europe
Aktualizacja na żywo
Dane zaktualizowane 16 godzin temu przez easyJet Operations Control
Why is your flight delayed:
We’re sorry that your flight is delayed. Your plane was delayed on the previous flight because of freezing weather conditions in Amsterdam. This has meant that Air Traffic Control has had to limit the number of aircraft that can arrive and depart, which is leading to delays and cancellations today.
The disruption to your flight is outside of our control and is considered to be an extraordinary circumstance.
We’re sorry that your flight is delayed. Your plane was delayed on the previous flight because of freezing weather conditions in Amsterdam. This has meant that Air Traffic Control has had to limit the number of aircraft that can arrive and depart, which is leading to delays and cancellations today.
The disruption to your flight is outside of our control and is considered to be an extraordinary circumstance.
Dane zaktualizowane 1 dzień temu przez easyJet Operations Control
We're sorry for the delay to your flight. We are working to minimise the delay where possible.
Please continue to check Flight Tracker for further updates.
If you're not at the airport yet, please still arrive on-time for your flight as Bag Drop and Boarding times may not be affected.
Please continue to check Flight Tracker for further updates.
If you're not at the airport yet, please still arrive on-time for your flight as Bag Drop and Boarding times may not be affected.